Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Einstein-Rosen Rainbow Bridge Wormhole of the Antahkarana Connecting all the Chakras above the Head

The Einstein-Rosen Rainbow Bridge Wormhole of the Antahkarana Connecting all the Chakras above the Head in meditation. Rather than physical travel, energy and consciousness already traverses the Einstein Rosen Bridges which are antahkarana rainbow Bridges connecting us with the Chakras above the Head!! The equations provided by the earthly geniuses below provide mathematical proof of the possibility and meditation and psychic experience provides the experimental proof. Each chakra above the head is a processor, universe, which is connected by a column of energy which are really Einstein-Rosen Rainbow Bridges or Lorentzian wormholes or Schwarzschild wormholes. Lorentzian wormholes known as Schwarzschild wormholes or Einstein-Rosen bridges are connections between areas of space that can be modeled as vacuum solutions to the Einstein Relativity field equations. based upon real science Einstein-Rosen bridges the Rainbow Bridge of the Antahkarana are the basis of telepath

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